Monday, June 25, 2012

Walker's Awards Day

Walker had such a great year in 2nd grade! Again we were blessed with such a precious teacher Mrs. Cofer. Walker got several awards including a reading award, PE award, and math award. We are so proud of him and all of his hard work!


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Walker the Macdaddy

This was at walkers end of year party. He was truly hitting on the ladies..... Not really but that's what it looked like.


Pics of Henry at Sock Hop

Henry wanted me to come to the Sock Hop so of course I did! I am glad I got to go watch and take pictures. Walker on the other hand insisted for me not to come to his! The kids had a blast. Afterwards they went to cafeteria to have coke floats. A fun day!


Sock Hop

All I can say is hilarious! They did look adorable!


End of year pool party

Henry's friend from school had a end of year party for the boys in his class. The weather wasn't perfect but the boys had a blast! It was so fun watching him play with his friends!



Walker's last AR party as a 2nd grader!


Monday, June 11, 2012

Muffins with Mom with Walker


Well this year I had to split the time with Henry and Walker. Since it was Henry's first year I went with him first. When I got to Walker's room he wasn't there. He actually was doing the morning news that morning so I had to wait until he got back. The cool thing was I got to see him on the news, which was awesome! When he got back in the room I only had a couple of minutes to spend with him. It was still wonderful especially seeing him on the news!


Muffins with Mom with Henry

I love going to Muffins with Mom. It just warms my heart! Especially the little questions they ask and the precious answers. I mean I like milkshakes but seriously I rarely have them. So cute!




Just Playing...



Kindermusick with Aunt Kim

Aunt Kim came with us to Kindermusick. Foster loved having her there and I think Aunt Kim enjoyed watching him! We all had lots of fun! Aunt Martha Jane came to a class tot but I left my camera at home that day!


Fruit anyone?



Walker's 2nd Grade Field Day

Walker was super pumped for Field Day as he knew exactly what to expect....A Super fun day!!! Walker and his best buddy Isaiah were partners during the competitions. They rocked! Walker was awesome at hoopla hoop and was too cool while doing it. Again, Foster came along and was a trooper again. He is pretty used to being up at the school a lot! Such a fun day watching by big boy have fun with his friends!